Our Pricing

Domain offers a competitive pricing model designed to help property owners in Chicago choose the services they need most, without cutting into their valuable profits.

  Leasing Only Full Service
Property Management
Tenant Placement Fee One Month’s Rent One Month’s Rent
Monthly Managment Fee N/A 5% - 7%
Advertising on MLS & Rental Websites
Tenant Screening
Rent Collection -
Security Deposit Management -
Detailed Move-in Inspection -
HOA Primary Point Of Contact -
HOA Move-In & Move-Out Coordination -
24/7 Maintenance Coordination -
ACH Owner Payments -
Monthly Owner Statements -
Online Owner Portal -
Detailed Move-Out Inspection -
Lease Renewal - $250
Utility Management -
Municipal Code Compliance -
Rental License Management -
Rental License Inspection Coordination -
Year End Statement/1099 -
Eviction Assistance -
Appraisal Coordination -
Annual Inspection (optional) - $150
Cancellation Fee (In first 6 months) - $300

Ready to Take the Next Step?

  1. Complete the Owner Information form.
  2. Speak with a professional rental advisor.
  3. Select your management plan.
  4. Go live your dreams while we do the rest.

Want to Improve Your Rental Property Income?

Send us your email address and we’ll send you insights on how to do just that!